Feb 4, 2024

Well, well, well…Guess who is finally back at the keyboard!

I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth, as some may have guessed. I have, in fact, been to Egypt and now find myself back in Asia Minor; presently in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan about to climb out of the cube of a bed chamber at the Petra Cabin Hostel. They are being very generous with the term ‘cabin’ and coffin might be more appropriate. Specially since they seem to cut off the heat in the early a.m.

I do believe my last post was a from Turkey, ummmm, like months ago. And I’ve obviously had difficulties finding the keyboard since, but have been consistent in chronicling my travels so there is quite the back log of content. I won’t say it is coming soon; I won’t be a Lucy to your Charlie Brown.

What I will say is that it’s been quite an adventure! Europe, Asia Minor, Africa, and back to Asia Minor. I’ve taken more bad pictures than you can imagine and have completely shuffled them in my bumbling attempt to clear up some Google Cloud space and transfer to an SD Card. So now all my pictures are dated by the day I downloaded and transferred them instead of when I was trigger happy and snapped them. Which makes finding a specific pic a little challenging; not to mention that my phone/camera is logged in under a different email and I had to figure out photo sharing and all that jazz. Basic stuff for most, but a chore for a Luddite who still prefers the fountain pen and page. At least there are some notes to work from should I find myself back at the keyboard…soonish!

I guess this post is more Proof of Life than anything more entertaining or informative. I’m in Petra, Jordan today and about to stroll among the remnants of the Nabateans.

Hopefully it won’t be another two months before I post again…Inshallah!

One Comment

  1. Meandering Martlet! How the hell are ya? I’m happy to learn you are still indeed alive and out there exploring the globe in between coffin naps. Don’t worry about the photos, your job as a martlet is to write and you do that exceptionally well already. Enjoy! Tell the Nabateans I say hi!
    –Healthy Locavore

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