So, what I’d hoped to have launched back in July has finally come to pass!

As I look back over the numerous photos taken so far I’ve only confirmed my lack of photographic skill! So forgive the lack of pics so far.

However, I realize I had to start somewhere and sometime…and here it is; Post number 1 !

Hard to believe I’ve been out of the good old U.S. of A for just over two months now. Can’t say I’ve been all that active as a tourist but I think I’ve re-adapted to island life quite well. I think the Ikarians could teach the Hawaiians a thing or two about Island Time. I think my buddy is still waiting, after two weeks, to hear back from a contractor for a project of his and it would appear that that is business as usual in these parts of the Aegean!

The island is absolutely gorgeous and rugged and the sheer inclines in every nook and cranny of the neighborhoods is probably as much a contributing factor to the Blue Zone designation as the diet. I’ve seen more elderly men and women trudging up hill after hill on the daily than AARP members with monthly bus passes.

For those of you I haven’t kept in contact and promised a web page months ago…apologies. But you haven’t really missed much action on this end. I’ve spent the majority of my time walking around the platia from coffee shop to taverna sampling the local fare and filling the other hours with leisurely strolls to the beach to swim in the insanely clear Aegean waters.

I’ve been “forced” to split my time between my buddy’s places in : Agios Kyrikos, Oxe, and Armenistis, so I’ve gotten the chance to see a goodly part of the island and get to pretend I’m a rally car driver on all the mountain roads which are really just a string of hair-pin turns with crazy views to tempt one right off the rails! The first two weeks of being a passenger were spent wondering how there weren’t more accidents but once behind the wheel a day or two I adapted to the thrilling experience of defensive island driving. Plus, there really isn’t all that much traffic as long as you don’t get caught behind a ferry unloading in Agios or Evdilos.

I’ll wrap it up here since I have to get to the butcher and the grocery store; yes, that’s two stops in this town! And they are both closed on Sundays! God how I love how they do Sundays here!!!

Hopefully I’ll make some progress on this WordPress thing and figure out how to add a subscribe button so if you’re interested in keeping up with my whirlwind adventures you’ll get a little note when I post again.

Hope you’re all doing well!

I’ll be in touch


  1. You’re a natural at writing travelogues Michael! The trip so far sounds relaxing with just the right amount of hopping around in a way that allows you to experience the place like you live there. Looking forward to hearing more about Sundays in Greece and what you’ve been EATING! Be careful on those island roads!

  2. Woo hoo!! Glad you have started this blog. Your next challenge besides learning to add a subscribe button is learning to attach photos for us visual interpreters. Xx keep ‘em coming x Carls

  3. Hey bro read your blog or whatever the fuck you call it. So you had to go to the butcher and the grocers both in the same day, damn that’s some shit! Are you okay? Hope you had enough time for a two hour coffee shop break, some dry beans and a fruit cup or two. Ha. Love you

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