News Flash…M Squared Finally Finds Morocco !

…And his keyboard!

It’s not like there a ton of luggage for it to get lost in…or a crazy hectic schedule that keeps me so occupied I couldn’t find the time to tap out a few words here and there about…Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan and the almost three months I’ve been here… I mean Lordy! The gaps in this travel story are wider than the chairs in a Bariatric surgeons office and as deserving of more than a few WTF’s as that obscure analogy.

So, I finally made it to the country that sparked this whole grand adventure and what a comedy of errors it would have been had I just made the trip for the surf: rental car issues, AirBnB reservations for the…wrong year, half a surf town scrubbed off the map barely two weeks before our arrival and a couple of old men and their weak ass ribs!

There is obviously more to the story and in keeping with my modus operandi so far…I’ll totally over promise and under deliver for the moment!

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